Shanghai Xia Zhi Jiao
digital photos, 2018
Xia Zhi Jiao is the name which Shanghai local citizens call “shantytowns”. Yangshupu Road and Pingliang Road, which I photographed, are representative of these “shantytowns”. People seem to think that shantytowns are backward and messy. Actually, they are not. Walking in these areas in person, we can gradually feel the richness and poetry of local life. The optimism, perseverance, and wisdom of Shanghai people can be found here. It is this cultural gene that has shaped Shanghai people’s spirits today. With the demolition brought by urban construction, shantytowns will gradually cease to exist, and their unique style is worthy of being recorded.
My e-book, Shanghai Xia Zhi Jiao, contains photos and informational texts——including the article about my experience and thoughts, reviews, and conversations.
Some pages in the book.