No.1391 Yangshupu Road
2.4m * 1.8m, 2.0m*0.7m, Old objects, 2018
Shantytowns are experiencing large-scale demolitions. Sometimes people move in a hurry and objects of life are left behind in these places. The Book of Rites says that these remnants show traces of the owners. For instance, a cup will have the "lip print" of its owner. A letter will have the "handprint" that its owner left. Remnants have their own lives and carry the feelings or memories of their owners.
I brought back many remnants from the shantytowns under demolition, imitated the situation of a family of three to create a space, and fictionalized a family diary written from a child's perspective on old paper. I tried to recreate and maintain the memory of a region and an era. Other objects are placed on the desktop along with some photos showing the original environment.
《杨树浦路1391 号》
2018,2.4m * 1.8m,2.0m*0.7m ,遗留物
古人认为遗物上带有以往拥有者所留下的“湿气”:遗留下的杯子会带有他嘴唇 的“口气”,一封私信会带有他触摸过的“手泽”。留下的物件都保有自己的短暂生命,都是传达情感的载体。另一部分遗留物以传统的陈列方式摆放在桌面上,物件上的尘土与损坏都竭力保持在原境中的状态,并与记录他们所处原境的图像放置在一起。

The whole space
click the picture to see more details 点击可查看大图

Space Guide

The room
Objects on Table